Empower your youth to LEAD THEMSELVES WELL through middle school, high school, college, and beyond--no matter what life path they choose.


Empower your youth with lifelong leadership values, skills, habits, mindsets, and Christian mentorship throughout their middle and high school years.

[Brenda's] course inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and meet new people, and it has been very rewarding. I've never gone out of my to get to know so many new people in my life! This course has definitely impacted me as a growing Christian.

--Youth Leadership Mastermind Student

My son is so blessed to join Brenda's Youth Leadership Mastermind program. In one year, he has been transformed and started to gain gospel-centered confidence, resilience and a glowing desire for personal growth, just like what the program is aiming to achieve in these young people.

--Parent of 7th Grader

My husband and I are happy to have been introduced to Brenda by a mutual friend. Our 13-year-old son has enjoyed the 12-week Virtual Leadership Mastermind. Our son is very quiet and often does not participate in group discussions. I have noticed since joining the Mastermind, he has been emboldened to have conversations in group settings. Participating in the Mastermind has helped him to try new things that are not part of his comfort zone. The Mastermind has broadened his personal leadership in so many ways.

--Parents of 7th Grader

"I learned that your worth never changes with God."

"I gained more self-confidence."

"It was interesting to hear all the different perspectives."

--Youth Leadership Mastermind Students

This Mastermind experience has improved our relationship with our son, and everything he learned will be a great foundation for his future. We felt our 7th grade son needed guidance based on our Christian faith, but he did not want to hear it from his parents. Joining the Youth Leadership Mastermind group this past school year has really helped our son: 1) Not to react so emotionally to every little thing; 2) To take a moment to process and think before responding; 3) To make plans and set goals (even little ones) and set little milestones towards them; 4) Understand that it's okay to "fail," he is indeed still a kid and it's all a learning process; 5) Learn about and practice being supportive to his friends and peers; 6) Be open to going out of his comfort zone to try something new (backpacking, auditioning for a solo part in his chorus, playing a solo in his band, hiking and reaching the top of a summit peak); 7) Be responsible again (chores included)!

--Derrick & Annie, Parents

"I liked learning that the most important person to lead is yourself."

"It was good to know what I need to improve in my life."

"It was good to learn how to evaluate ourselves regularly."

--Youth Leadership Mastermind Students

We are so thankful for this opportunity for small group Christian mentorship for our preteen. This Mastermind has equipped her with the language to describe some of the issues facing Christian leadership. Not only that, our daughter is beginning to understand why Christians can withstand rejection, loss, and criticism. We look forward to more learning with Brenda, where he can hone in on these important truths. 

--Sarah Cho, Parent

After [Brenda] talked to him about how to seek help from his English teacher, his English grade improved.

--Jennifer, Parent of 9th Grader

Ezra has achieved many personal goals since taking Mastermind classes with Mrs. Brenda!! Over just 12 weeks, he's become completely accountable with his daily school work, offers to lead group discussions in youth group, and is always looking for opportunities to try something new! I've seen so much growth in my once shy and quite timid 13-year-old. We love the Leadership Mastermind class!!

--Parent of 8th Grader

"I learned you can afford to fail because of Jesus."

"I liked learning how to be a leader."

"It was good to be reminded to take healthy risks."

--Youth Leadership Mastermind Students

Jamie joined the Youth Leadership Mastermind in September 2021 and we really appreciate the program. We didn't involve much and let Jamie herself follow through it. Jamie shared with us that she was learning to set goals and stay on top of them. As parents of a middle schooler, we want to see her learn to become independent by setting her priorities in the right way. After a period of time, we noticed she was getting better at managing her time daily by finishing her priorities before her leisure time. Also, we found her critical thinking and reasoning had matured. We trust Brenda as a great mentor and spiritual leader for Jamie's growth!

--Parents of 7th Grader

Brenda has created a thoughtful, intentional, masterful leadership program that identifies students’ strengths and call them to the best version of themselves. We’ve seen our daughter thrive under Brenda’s mentorship. Hazel is a driven child, but we often don’t know how to give her the direction and focus she needs. This is Brenda’s speciality! She has helped Hazel craft the Christian mindset and skills needed to achieve success through discipline, goal-setting, self-awareness, and trust in God. She also teaches the all-important but often-neglected skill of embracing and learning from our failures. We’re so thankful for the impact she’s had on our daughter’s life!

--Parent of 7th Grader

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A place for parents, educators, coaches,Ā & youth workers who believe in Christian leadership development for teens


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A place for parents, educators, coaches,Ā & youth workers who believe in Christian leadership development for teens