YES! Your child can leave for college as a mission-driven LEADER!

We help teens to find & fulfill their God-given mission by strengthening their personal leadership skills so that they can enjoy a lifetime of godly growth & influence.


How do we do this? 2 steps:

First, "Discover Your Personal Mission" by using our signature course for 8th-12th grade students called "Discover Your Personal Mission."
Second, fulfill your personal mission by joining a Leadership Mastermind group to strengthen your personal leadership skills during the school year.
You are your greatest asset. You are also your greatest liability.
So, the most effective way teens can find and fulfill their personal mission in life is by consistently developing their self-leadership skills through high school.


I'm Brenda Jung, a mother of two teens and a pre-teen who have experienced public, private, and home education.

I am dedicated to developing Christian leaders at the stage in life when I discovered my love for God and for leadership--in middle school and high school.

The Youth Leadership Mastermind has been in the making for many years. It is the culmination of a vision to help Christian parents to guide their teens to become mission-driven leaders of their own lives, so that they will be equipped to lead others with godly influence.

Leadership doesn't begin with skills; leadership begins with the leader. Character is the beginning and end of good leadership.

I believe that strong moral character is developed by strengthening students' personal faith in Jesus Christ.

The most effective leaders who are courageous and confident are those who CHOOSE to root their identities and self-worth not in their own performance and reputation, but in Jesus Christ's. These are leaders who can truly SERVE, GIVE, BLESS, and LEAD with supernatural self-discipline and resilience.

WeLead serves youth who are actively investing in finding and fulfilling their God-given mission before they leave for college. As a growing organization, we are praying for strong mentors who want to invest in our youth by sharing their knowledge, experiences, and lives with them. If you have a heart to invest in our youth, please contact me at [email protected]! I'd love to connect with you.

Brenda Jung

Founder & Lead Instructor

B.A., Communications (University of California, San Diego)

M.A., Biblical Studies (Westminster Seminary California)

Children's Ministry Director, Lifesong Community Church

Youth Certified Coach, John Maxwell Team

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