"If you want different results, you must take different actions."

Drive Your Teen's Success With Smart, Consistent Actions

Get the Goal-Setting for Students Activation Plan to propel your teen's personal growth in each of the 4 dimensions of life--Body, Brain, Heart & Soul.


"If you want different results, you must take different actions."

Drive Your Teens Success With Smart, Consistent Actions

Get the Goal-Setting for Students Activation Plan to propel your teen's personal growth in each of the 4 dimensions of life--Body, Brain, Heart & Soul.


Do you wish your teen would exercise more self-agency in their lives?

Are you praying for your teen to become more independent & proactive, less passive & reactive?

Are you struggling to guide your teen toward their goals?

You're not alone.

Many parents find themselves in the same challenging stage of life between dependence & independence, wishing their teens would find more motivation, focus & clarity with GOALS. 

Your guidance & support are crucial right now.

Middle & high school are the ideal time for teens to CHOOSE to take consistent actions toward the life they say that they want.

Instead of lectures and arguments that often lead to frustration, imagine a more harmonious journey toward success.

The Goal-Setting for Students Activation Plan is the bridge that helps you connect with your teen on a whole new level of adolescent freedom & control over their own lives.

It transforms their perspective of goal-setting from a useless chore to an exciting vision of self-leadership.

No more nagging, no more pushback – only a shared commitment to their future that both you and your teen can work toward together.

It's time to entrust your teen with more responsibility and freedom of choice, allowing you to guide your teen as they learn to drive their own lives with goals they set for themselves.

Get the Activation Plan Now - Free!

Do you wish your teen would exercise more self-agency in their lives?

Are you praying for your teen to become more independent & proactive, less passive & reactive?

Are you struggling to guide your teen toward their goals?

You're not alone.

Many parents find themselves in the same challenging stage of life between dependence & independence, wishing their teens would find more motivation, focus & clarity with GOALS. 

Your guidance & support are crucial right now.

Middle & high school are the ideal time for teens to CHOOSE to take consistent actions toward the life they say that they want.

Instead of lectures and arguments that often lead to frustration, imagine a more harmonious journey toward success.

The Goal-Setting for Students Activation Plan is the bridge that helps you connect with your teen on a whole new level of adolescent freedom & control over their own lives.

It transforms their perspective of goal-setting from a useless chore to an exciting vision of self-leadership.

No more nagging, no more pushback – only a shared commitment to their future that both you and your teen can work toward together.


It's time to entrust your teen with more responsibility and freedom of choice, allowing you to guide your teen as they learn to drive their own lives with goals they set for themselves.

Get the Activation Plan Now - Free!

"I have gained a desire to lead myself even better in the future. I learned so much like setting goals and actually thinking about what I want to do in life ---> my personal mission."

-Noel, 9th grader


By taking concrete, consistent actions toward their goals, your teen will:

Assess Comprehensive Growth

Define "growth" in each of the four dimensions of your life -- physical, mental, relational, and spiritual -- and identify where you need to focus your efforts for personal development.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Evaluate your current efforts and determine if you need to invest more time and energy or redirect your focus towards different activities.

Plan Practically

Instead of overwhelming yourself with trying to do everything every day, this worksheet provides a practical solution to prioritize your tasks and get organized.

Parents, You Play a Vital Role

As a parent, you can support your student's growth by:

  • Facilitating Discussions: Encourage open conversations about your student's goals and aspirations.
  • Providing Guidance: Offer insights and suggestions without being overly prescriptive.
  • Celebrating Progress: Recognize and celebrate your student's efforts and actions, even though progress will be inconsistent & imperfect.
    >>> Remember, the journey to success is a PROCESS of learning, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

Parents, You Play a Vital Role

As a parent, you can support your student's growth by:

  • Facilitating Discussions: Encourage open conversations about your student's goals and aspirations.
  • Providing Guidance: Offer insights and suggestions without being overly prescriptive.
  • Celebrating Progress: Recognize and celebrate your student's efforts and actions, even though progress will be inconsistent & imperfect.
    >>> Remember, the journey to success is a PROCESS of learning, and we're here to support you every step of the way.
Brenda Jung
Hey there! I'm Brenda Jung. I mentor middle and high school students so that they will learn to lead themselves well--by empowering themselves with strong personal leadership qualities and skills. (Character first!)

What if students could cultivate the ability to value and enjoy the process of PERSONAL LEADERSHIP GROWTH?

They CAN!

Youth who value and enjoy learning, trying things, taking healthy risks, stepping out in faith, trusting God while doing their best...are going to do WELL in life.

Self-leadership development is the most essential investment youth can make in their future success--no matter what middle school, high school, college, career, or life plan they choose.

Success is growing, serving, and glorifying God by doing the most with what He gives to you, every single day.

I am committed to equipping teens with biblical Truth and critical personal leadership values, skills, habits, mindsets, and practices before they leave for college, by beginning with rooting their sense of self-worth in Christ's performance for them--not in their own successes and failures.

One of the best decisions you can make to give your youth a strong leadership identity is to introduce important, life-shaping skills--like goal-setting--while their hearts are wide open and impressionable. They will continue to grow in personal leadership through middle school, high school, college, career, and beyond!

This year is full of opportunities for your youth to grow in personal leadership. Will they take them? I'd love to encourage them! I hope you'll invest in developing your youth's leadership potential this year. I look forward to the possibility of partnering with you in your student's growth for the glory of God!

Brenda Jung
Youth-Certified Coach (John Maxwell Certified Leadership Team)

M.A., Biblical Studies, Westminster Seminary California
Founder, The Youth Leadership Mastermind

Take the first step to invest in your student's self-leadership development this school year.

In a culture where many teens simply expect to drift to success, it's important to equip them to DRIVE. With this tool, your teen will set their intentions and create an action plan to reach their desired transformation.


Take the first step to invest in your student's self-leadership development this school year.

In a culture where many teens simply expect to drift to success, it's important to equip them to DRIVE. With this tool, your teen will set their intentions and create an action plan to reach their desired transformation.


"Brenda has helped me learn more about goal-setting, helped me learn more about how to lead myself well, and made me more aware about myself and how I can use my certain skills and abilities to help others. Thank you for teaching us how to lead ourselves well.

-Zoe, 7th grader