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I'm Brenda Jung, and I love partnering with teens who want to learn how to lead their lives well.

Teens can gain clarity and focus about who they are and what they want to do with their lives--even in middle school--if they invest time and effort in developing their "personal leadership" skills--the ability to lead yourself well, so that you can lead others well. 

I equip students with the habit (system) of PERSONAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT--becoming the best leader for themselves, because the first and most important person they need to lead is themselves. 

The Long-Term Vision for Personal Leadership:

Lead yourself > Lead one person > Lead a group/team > Lead an organization > Lead a community

Leadership begins with YOU.

I'm committed to empowering youth with lifelong leadership values, skills, habits, mindsets, and practices before they leave for college, beginning with rooting their sense of self-worth in Christ's performance for them--not in their own successes and failures.

When teens begin to understand the Gospel, they begin to believe that they don't need to earn their self-worth or create their own identity. These are GIVEN to them in Christ! Their mindset shifts from fear to faith, from timidity to bravery, from getting to giving, from desiring goals to desiring growth.

One of the best decisions you can make to help your student develop a strong Christian self-concept (identity) is to start young--in 7th grade. Introduce important, life-shaping ideas while their hearts are wide open and impressionable. They will enter high school and college with a head start in Christian leadership!

I hope you'll invest in developing your teen's leadership potential. I look forward to partnering with you in their personal growth!