How Do I Get Courage to Do What's Right (Not Easy)? Dec 28, 2023

What do you want to do or maybe need to do, but you don't have the courage to do it?

When I asked the students in my Well-Led Life Leadership Mastermind this question last week, we were talking about healthy risks, such as trying out for a new sport, auditioning for the school play, asking...

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The Goal of Communication: 2 Tips to Achieve Transformative Speaking & Listening Dec 28, 2023

This video is from the "Core Qualities of Christian Leaders" playlist, a series for middle & high school students who are actively preparing to fulfill God's mission in their lives by developing their character.

Even though you may not know exactly what God plans to do with your...

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Simple Tool for Students to Set Goals for 2024 Dec 05, 2023


Goal setting is a skill. It's a process that has to be practiced. So in this video, we're going to practice, together, setting goals for four major areas of your life: your body, your brain, your heart, and your soul.

Overcoming Skepticism About...

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Commitment: Follow Through or Flake? (Core Qualities of Christian Leaders) Nov 25, 2023

What's up, you guys? OK.

Look, we've all made the mistake of saying yes when we should have said no. We've all been in a situation where we made a commitment to something or someone and now we just don't feel like doing it anymore. What do you do in that situation? In this video, I'm gonna show...

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