Your teen can become a mission-driven leader before graduating from high school.

Your teen can gain Gospel-centered confidence, influence, resilience, and a glowing desire for personal growth with our Youth Leadership Mastermind groups and signature course: "Discover Your Personal Mission."


Your teen can become a mission-driven leader before leaving for college.

Your teen can gain Gospel-centered confidence, resilience, and a glowing desire for personal growth with our Youth Leadership Mastermind groups and signature course: "Discover Your Personal Mission."

Is my teen equipped to lead a God-glorifying, successful life?
Will my teen miss out on opportunities?
How can my teen overcome the fears of failure and rejection?
How else can I motivate my teen's self-agency in high school?

Our Mission:

We help middle & high school students to strengthen their self-leadership skills so that they will find their God-given mission and become the person required to fulfill it.

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

"Ask Me Anything" videos are posted frequently that answer questions submitted by youth and their parents.



Discover Your Personal Mission

Self-paced, on-demand Christian video course to help teens find their God-given mission in high school.


If your teen asks:

What should I do with my life?

What is my purpose?

Who do I want to become?

....then THIS IS FOR YOU.


What Students Are Saying About the Youth Leadership Mastermind:

"I learned so much like setting goals and actually thinking about what I want to do in life ---> my personal mission.

The Youth Leadership Mastermind has been an experience that I have never been through, and I am so grateful for it and Ms. Brenda!

I have gained a desire to lead myself even better in the future. I have also definitely been more self-aware of my strengths AND weaknesses, which encourages me and builds myself up into a better person."

-Noel, 9th Grader

"This year, I've been able to notice when there is a need to step up, and I've stepped up more recently.

I have also changed my word choice a lot to make myself easily understandable while still being open to ideas.

My confidence in myself is still about the same, although my moments of high confidence are more frequent now.

I've reflected a lot on my actions recently and really thought through decisions."

-Ryan, 8th Grader

“I've definitely noticed an attitude change in me. I'm more laid back because I don't care about other people’s opinions about me as much as I used to.

It’s a big improvement from last year and the years before that…

I have gained more confidence in who I am. I do enjoy thinking about my future, though sometimes it kind of scares me.

Thank you, Ms. Brenda, for being so supportive, and showing me how to lead myself and other people better!!”

-Lauren, 9th Grader

“I was made more aware about myself and how I can use my certain skills and abilities to help others.

The Mastermind has helped me learn more about goal-setting and how to lead myself well. I have learned a lot from this Mastermind.

Thank you for teaching us how to lead ourselves well."

-Zoe, 7th Grader

“In the Mastermind, I learned how to set a goal and build good habits.

I value leadership more now. I also value failure more and understand how to grow from it. Thank you so much!”

-Elliot, 9th Grader

“The Mastermind personally helped me to grow healthier mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually.

I grew to make wiser decisions. I learned important things that I don't get to learn anywhere else.”

-Diego, 7th Grader

What Parents Are Saying About
Our Leadership Mastermind:

What Parents Are Saying About Our Curriculum:

Lauren no longer feels burdened by other people's opinions about her because she sees how unique she is, and she embraces how God created her.

The Leadership Mastermind has taught Lauren to consider and develop her long term and short term goals. We have had many discussions about her strengths, her interests, and how she can take practical steps to make her dreams come true.

Mostly, Brenda has helped Lauren to recognize her own individuality in the eyes of Christ. This has helped my daughter see that God took the time to make her special, and that she has a calling in her life that only she can fulfill.

-Parents of 9th Grader

Ryan is more confident, willing to try new things, not afraid of failure, willing to step up more and take his responsibilities seriously.

Also with Brenda’s guidance, he has started to explore his personal mission and the purpose of his life.

The process of self-discovery might not be easy for teenagers, especially in today's society. But we are so blessed to have Brenda who supports and equips Ryan well in this process.

I highly recommend this Mastermind program to anyone who has a teenager at home! Brenda’s knowledge and experience with teenagers, firm belief in God, and passion to equip young people with personal leadership skills are the best!

-Parents of 8th Grader

The Mastermind has laid a strong foundation of personal leadership for Diego. I've seen him especially grow in his ability to set personal goals this year, and achieve them!

Two specific goals he set and achieved this year were trying out for (and making!) the middle school soccer team (even though his main sport is volleyball), and using what he learned in class about courage to conquer his fear of big roller coasters. He’s been to Six Flags Magic Mountain multiple times already!

We are looking forward to even more growth next year! I am forever grateful.

-Parent of Rising 7th Grader

The "Discover Your Personal Mission" curriculum invited our son to explore new and different academic areas... choosing a psychology-related topic for his school report, which is great.

Our son needed the Leadership Mastermind this past year to help him stay focused. We do see our son laying out plans for himself better. His teen years are still frustrating at times, but after he discovered his interest in music as a career, we noticed he’s more responsible about his lessons and music rehearsals and taking more opportunities with music.

We're also happy that he's become good friends with some of the others in the group!

-Parents of 8th Grader

Brenda has designed a Gospel-based program that lays the groundwork for intentional living, self-discipline, and growth mindset.

Our teen grew in self-awareness. He was challenged to contemplate and apply leadership principles through the Mastermind group.

The group sessions and individual mentorship helped our son to identify his own goals and set him up for success in all areas: school, sports, family, and friendships.

Thank you for everything you've done for our son this past season, Brenda! We so appreciate all of the content and how you have been shepherding him through this time in his life!

-Parents of 9th Grader

Every student should join this Mastermind.

-Parents of 9th Grader

Are you an adult who believes in Christian leadership development for teens?

Join the growing collaborative of parents, educators, and leaders who serve teens (middle & high school) and support each other in our mutual work in youth leadership development.

Brenda Jung, Christian Youth Mentor

We can help your teen to become a mission-driven leader.

If you're a parent who values the well-led life, you're in the right place! 

If you worry that your teen isn't equipped enough to lead a successful life, that's what we do--equip teens to lead their lives effectively.

If you wonder whether it's possible for your teen to change and grow into a more confident, resilient, self-aware, articulate, and Christ-centered leader, keep reading!

We are committed to helping teens become the best leaders FOR THEMSELVES by strengthening their personal leadership skills through high school.

We guide teens as they make intentional personal choices that transform them--

FROM stressed, busy, worried, scattered, fear-motivated, inarticulate, peer-led, performance-driven workers...

TO more visionary, self-disciplined, enthusiastic, confident, resilient, focused, faith-filled teens who are committed to personal GROWTH so that they can not only find, but also begin to fulfill their God-given mission in life--before graduating from high school.

Brenda Jung, Christian Youth Mentor

I'm Brenda Jung, and I love partnering with teens who want to learn how to lead their lives well.

Did you know that your teen's life's mission (their unique contribution to the world) is not supposed to be a secret? There are clues in and around them, if they make the effort to LOOK for them--in high school.

Teens can gain clarity and focus about who they are and what they want to do--even in 8th grade. It just takes a few hours of intentional thought (and of course, prayer).

I equip students with the habit (system) of PERSONAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT--becoming the best leader for themselves, because the first and most important person they need to lead is themselves. 

The Long-Term Vision for Self-Leadership: Lead yourself > Lead one person > Lead a group/team > Lead an organization > Lead a community

Leadership begins with YOU.

I'm committed to empowering youth with lifelong leadership values, skills, habits, mindsets, and practices before they leave for college, beginning by rooting their sense of self-worth in Christ's performance for them--not in their own successes and failures.

When teens begin to understand the Gospel, they begin to believe that they don't need to earn their self-worth or create their own identity. These are GIVEN to them in Christ! Their mindset shifts from fear to faith, from timidity to bravery, from getting to giving, from desiring goals to desiring growth.

One of the best decisions you can make to help your youth develop a strong leadership identity is to start young--in 8th grade. Introduce important, life-shaping ideas while their hearts are wide open and impressionable. They will enter high school and college with a head start in  leadership!

I hope you'll invest in developing your teen's leadership potential. I look forward to partnering with you in their personal growth! 

Yes! I want my teen to grow in self-leadership

2 Truths and a Lie About Leadership


The Youth Leadership Mastermind is a motivated group of emerging leaders who gather with the intention of growing in leadership and personal development by compounding their knowledge, experiences, efforts, opinions, and ideas. Through reading leadership texts, participating in guided roundtable discussions, individual and group activities, members develop Christian leadership values, mindsets, skills, and habits, which transform them into courageous, resilient, action-taking leaders who are rooted in their identity in Christ. 

Individual minds contribute to one collective, transformative MASTERmind.


The Youth Leadership Mastermind is a consistent community of emerging leaders who are together learning HOW to lead themselves in order to lead others effectively.


With a group facilitator, using a high-quality (leadership) book, Mastermind members discuss the ideas in the text by combining their valuable thoughts, insights, questions, observations, perspectives, and experiences, thus compounding and expanding their understanding of the ideas.

The facilitator aims not to teach by using didactic lectures, but by using focused questions and prompts that draw out each member's valuable ideas and opinions.

PERSONAL GROWTH IN LEADERSHIP as the result of belonging to an intentional, consistent community with supportive accountability is the ultimate goal of the Youth Leadership Mastermind.

Send an email to [email protected] to ask your questions!

Thank you for your interest. We hope to invest in your youth's leadership development!

--Brenda Jung, Founder & Lead Instructor

Book a Strategy Call with Brenda

Is 4th grade too young to begin teaching kids about leadership?

NO! The advantage of beginning leadership instruction in grades 4-6 is the open hearts of younger youth. Many of them are willing to gather with a group of friends for an alternative learning experience. Elementary-aged students may also enjoy more flexibility in their schedules than students in middle and high school.


Join the WeLead Youth for Christ Community on Facebook!

A place for parents, educators, coaches, & youth workers who believe in Christian leadership development for teens


Join the WeLead Youth for Christ Community on Facebook!

A place for parents, educators, coaches, & youth workers who believe in Christian leadership development for teens